Judgement Part I: Why, instead of compassion and empathy?

Click here for Audio Yea, this is a topic that can boil a decent persons blood. To be clear there is a time for judgement, but not by just anyone at anytime. The time is when a crime has been committed and the alleged criminal is brought before a judge or a jury of their peers. They have an opportunity to defend themselves how they see fit. Then the judge or jury can make an informed decision based on the evidence brought before them. Not a perfect system by far, but it is the earthly process and in my humble eyes the only time judging another is acceptable. So why do so many people think it is okay to judge another person? Seriously, to all those that think it is okay to judge another person, remember you are no more perfect than they are. If you think you are you are deluding yourself and should probably stop reading this blog now. It is certainly okay to disagree with others, but to take that disagreement and judge another or talk smack behind their back is...