
Showing posts from April, 2019

Judgement Part I: Why, instead of compassion and empathy?

Click here for Audio Yea, this is a topic that can boil a decent persons blood. To be clear there is a time for judgement, but not by just anyone at anytime. The time is when a crime has been committed and the alleged criminal is brought before a judge or a jury of their peers. They have an opportunity to defend themselves how they see fit. Then the judge or jury can make an informed decision based on the evidence brought before them. Not a perfect system by far, but it is the earthly process and in my humble eyes the only time judging another is acceptable. So why do so many people think it is okay to judge another person? Seriously, to all those that think it is okay to judge another person, remember you are no more perfect than they are. If you think you are you are deluding yourself and should probably stop reading this blog now.   It is certainly okay to disagree with others, but to take that disagreement and judge another or talk smack behind their back is...

Fitness and Exercise: It does a body Good.....

Click here for Audio Staying fit is important to me on a few levels. First off, I am a naturally active person. Once upon a time I had a real hard time sitting still long enough to watch a movie. Once I would sit down, it was then that all the things I needed to do would come to me. When I do presentations or public speaking, I definitely get my steps in, because I am in constant motion. Even though those steps are not uphill or challenging I still consider them as steps. Did you know that fat stored estrogen? It's true.... Given the type of breast cancer I had was estrogen receptive, it is important for me to keep my fat content as low as possible. So for me it is a matter of life with or without cancer! I choose without!!!! With exercise comes a sense of inner accomplishment. Setting a goal and reaching it or making it through a yoga series like the 14 day program I like to do with Julia found on Amazon Prime. Then there is the release of hormones that makes you fee...

Forgiveness Part 2: What it is....

Click here for Audio What is forgiveness about? It is about healing, learning, loving and growing. We all make mistakes at one time or another. Mistakes are how we learn and grow. Most mistakes are just that mistakes; errors, miscalculations not thinking something completely through. Then there are intentional acts that cause harm due to anger, frustration or possibly an attitude of entitlement. Some mistakes are minor others not so much. In any case, forgiveness is one of the first steps to healing and moving on. Forgiveness comes from within the soul and is for everyone to have. Ty Ty Trolling it.... Children for the most part make mistakes because they are exploring and learning. I do not believe at any time children are born to be bad. They purely and simply become a product of their environment. A child who is raised with praise, encouragement and empowered to exercise control over themselves and are taught that is the only true power and control they have, will no do...

Choices: Do we know what they are?

Click here for Audio Howdy.... Wow!! with such gorgeous weather upon us, it is hard to be inside. Flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the birds are singing.... What a great time of year for us here in Arizona! Everyday we are faced with various issues. For every issue there are choices that need to be made, but do we always know what our choices are? I ask, because sometimes we are only given certain options depending on who is explaining them to us. Such as being diagnosed with an ailment or disease. We want to trust that our medical providers are sharing all alternatives with us OR we need to get down and dirty on some research. My experience has shown me that the later is mostly true. I believe the majority of the time our medical providers don't always know what they don't know. Then you have those that are, well not that forthcoming for various reasons. None that are appropriate, but they will try to justify their position nonetheless. Either way, it is ...

Going With The Flow.....GWtF

Click here for Audio A popular term used often to describe one’s existence,   “going with the flow,” or how someone deals with life or to possibly calm someone down by suggesting they relax and “go with the flow.” Which in the later timing is everything. Suggest it too soon and you may experience a wrath. Wait too long and it will likely no longer be a tool to calm because the moment has passed. Either way, it is a great concept and if more people were to go with the flow, my guess is we would feel a lot less stress, self-doubt and frustration. Although, be careful because less stress and frustration may lead to peace, laughter, happiness and a sense of security in one’s self. Okay, so I am being a bit of a smart ass with that last statement, but it is true. Why would anyone not go with the flow? Before we go there let's look at what the opposite would be: swimming upstream (SU), going against the current or grain, forcing a square peg into a round hole. Any way yo...