Dance: Let yourself Go!

Click here for Audio Dancing is something that has got to be in my family’s DNA. In the 1940’s my grandparents, from what I understand were a phenomenal dance team. One of their favorite things to do was to go out dancing. When they arrived to the party the floor was theirs. People loved seeing the synergy they had on the floor. They were described as the best dance couple in town. So, it is no wonder that I love to dance and always have, for as long as I can remember. You could say I dance to the beat of my own drum. I don’t take instruction well, but I can pick up moves pretty easily, with the exception of the robot. Yep, never could do the robot, but I am past that. Dancing is not only fun, but a great form of exercise. Oh and a great opportunity to release and express yourself. Who cares what anyone thinks or says. Get in the zone, have fun and let it rip. Beware, it will certainly get your heart rate up, work muscles you did not know you had and because it is so much f...