Bookin' It With Bobbi is a go to place for people who want to escape from the complex world we live in to simplicity. It is about getting back to basics and focusing on that which is innate.
Dancing is something that has got to be in my
family’s DNA. In the 1940’s my grandparents, from what I understand were a phenomenal
dance team. One of their favorite things to do was to go out dancing. When they
arrived to the party the floor was theirs. People loved seeing the synergy they had on
the floor. They were described as the best dance couple in town. So, it is no
wonder that I love to dance and always have, for as long as I can remember. You
could say I dance to the beat of my own drum. I don’t take instruction well,
but I can pick up moves pretty easily, with the exception of the robot. Yep,
never could do the robot, but I am past that. Dancing is not only fun, but a
great form of exercise. Oh and a great opportunity to release and express yourself. Who cares what anyone thinks or says. Get in the zone, have fun and let it rip. Beware, it will certainly get your heart rate up, work muscles
you did not know you had and because it is so much fun you just keep going.
Recently, a friend invited us over to celebrate Cuatro de
Mayo, in lieu of Cinco de Mayo; Saturday vs. Sunday. She also invited a dance instructor friend of
ours to the party as well. Unbeknownst to the rest of us, he was there to give
us some dance instruction. At first, I was like, ut oh, I don’t take
instruction well, but I had already had a bit of liquid courage, so I said, “what
the heck, lets do this!” My husband is not the dancing machine I am, but he did
get some video and pictures.
There are so many different types of dance, from Ballroom on
out to line dancing. No matter the style of dance you are sure to get some great
exercise while doing it. Personally, I like all kind of different forms of dance.
My grandparents leaned more towards Ballroom style. I on the other hand lean towards
freestyle and jazz/modern. I also enjoy line dancing. Our friend taught us Merengue,
Bachata and Salsa. I am familiar with all three styles as when I was younger I stood
up in a Quinceanera, attended many others and weddings as well.
One of my fondest memories of my younger dancing era was an
elderly gentleman who also loved to dance. Every Saturday night you could count
on him being at the local dance club. He had to be in his seventies or so. He
was some what hunched over, so he was not much taller than me, but he could cut
a rug. He always dressed in suit and tie. He only drank water and would dance
with anyone. It wasn’t often that he would be turned down, but there were a few
times. One of those times, I saw a girl turn him down, so I headed over to ask him
to dance, but he didn’t me to rescue him. He asked a girl next to her and before
I could get close they were on the dance floor. I did have a chance to dance
with him a few times. His style was Ballroom, not my area, but he was very patient,
lead well and very light on his feet. It was obvious that he had been dancing
for years. He may have been an instructor, given his patience. I believe that
was his way of getting his exercise and having fun.
Over the last twenty-eight years I have been out dancing,
but not nearly as often as I would like to. Yea, we had five children, for which
their needs took priority. We did our best to keep them busy by keeping them in
sports. Running around with them pretty much took the place of dancing. Here we
are mostly empty nesters, so dancing is something I want to start doing again. Quite
honestly, I would really like to make time to dance. Not necessarily take
instruction, just go somewhere dance and enjoy family and friends. All the while
burning some calories and improving my health. Thanks Heidi for the fun time
and re-ignition of the dance bug! Let’s put those dancing shoes on and hit the floor….
Click here for Audio What is Equality? The literal definition is, the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Let’s focus on ‘the state of being.’ I see ‘the state of being’ “anything” is something we do naturally. It is existing because we do. Now adding equal to that is ‘the state of being equal.’ Meaning to see ourselves as equal or treating ourselves as an equal. It starts with us, so it is a must that we see ourselves as equal to others. How we see or treat ourselves is our true power and control. Treating ourselves well makes it difficult for another to mistreat us. Simply because when we treat ourselves well, we give ourselves an insight as to how we need or want to be loved and treated. When you understand truly loving yourself always, you will not tolerate anyone treating you indifferent or badly. You will be comfortable to some degree with calling someone out if they are being inappropriate. You know it needs to be done and will cont...
Click here for Audio No , probably one of the most universal words that has the same meaning in most languages. Yet, for some it is a very uncomfortable word to say. Then there are those that don't accept no as an answer very well. This was addressed in a former blog I put out in October, " No: Can you handle it ." So, we will address those that don't like to say No. Being comfortable with declining or saying No is an important step in maturing and taking care of ourselves. The inability to decline or say No, could be devastating for a child. I am thinking this societal conditioning is one of the reasons we have children being violated and abused. We are all born with the ability to sense energy or vibes. Children and animals are seriously tuned into this, but societal conditioning has made those children doubt themselves as they get older. That is such a shame and robs us of one of our natural defenses. Children and animals can easily pick up on nega...
Click here for Audio Yes you do, I do, everyone does! It is a matter of figuring it out. Sooooo, what is YOUR Super Power? My vision boards utilizing my Super Power of Creativity No, I have not lost my mind and I am not off my rocker. Read on if you dare to learn about something new! Maybe that something new will be about you…. In my humble opinion there are three elements to declaring a Power to be a Super Power. The first element of a Super Power is something you’re extraordinarily good at? What do you do exceptionally well? A lot of times it is something that comes natural to you. Creativity comes very natural to me, and I consider it to be one of my Super Powers. Another couple of Super Powers I possess and have learned over the years are being honest and forgiving. You may be saying those can’t be Super Powers, they are just abilities. Excuse me, but aren’t Super Powers abilities that we are extremely good at? All are great qualit...
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