Love III: Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

Click here for Audio How do we make things better in our lives? How do we go from tragedy to triumph? How do we turn that corner from surviving to thriving? Want to know the Secret? Drum roll pleeeeeeease…………………….. Law of Attraction starting with Gratitude and LOVE!!! Yep there you have it, the Law of Attraction and I know it works. I just have to get more consistent with overriding any negative feelings with sheer Gratitude and Love. It is Gratitude and Love that will allow you to make that turn from surviving to thriving, with all four wheels on the track. Take a moment to think about all that we have to be grateful for: Did you wake up today? If your reading this, you did and well there is one reason for you to be grateful. What is it that allows you to oxygenate your blood and body to function. Oh yeah, that would be air. Another very simple reason to be grateful. Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have blankets and clothes to keep you warm ...