Back At It: Healing in Action
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to take an emergency hiatus from as much as I could. Emotions are still raw, so at this time I will not go into what we faced. In due time, I do plan to discuss it as it is a prevelant issue that needs to be dealt with. Although, out of respect for those I love that I know read this blog, I will honor their feelings.
Yoga is one of my go to self care practices. |
That being said, stepping away from blogging, "C is for Conquer," my writing and scaling back my time working with Kaity's Way is what I needed to do to take care of me and be available for my family as needed.
Challenging times can take you to places that you would rather not go. Negativity finds its way in when challenging times happen. It is almost like negativity is just waiting for something to allow it in. Therefore it is so important that we try real hard to stay self aware and if necessary make a pact with someone close to us to help each other keep that awareness.
I tried and tried and tried and still there were a couple of times that I found myself super annoyed at EVERYTHING..... I did not and do not like that feeling. The major issue for me was the lack of control and understanding. I felt as if things were so out of control. Chaotic would be an understatement. It is as if I felt like things were always in the air flying around without any direction. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get a grip on things in an organized fashion.
Those closest to me, I did speak with and tried my best to communicate with them about where I was at so there was no need to make assumptions and wonder. This helped immensly because it allowed me to express myself and not entirely internalize my feelings. Talking it out also helped me to realize things and come to some conclusions. So to all of my friends and family that listened to me with open hearts and minds, I am so very Grateful for you!!! I know it is difficult and can hurt to hear your dear friend speak of such things and be in so much pain. You lending me your ear was such a blessing for me. I truly appreciate you for your love, patience and understanding.
All about being, thinking and remaining Positive |
So now it is time to get back at it. Need to get back in the saddle and carry on. One thing I have been doing for myself to lift myself up is kick negativity to the curb and start seeing the glass as always refillable once again. Stuff happens, but no matter what I am going to always try to roll with it and always work to see the silver lining, you know the bright side and keep in mind that everything happens for a reason, truly.
That being said I have also thought about re-organizing my blogging. Looking back at past blogs, I noticed that I have been kind of random. As ideas came, I made note of them and would just blurt them out. So far no one has expressed any issues with the randomness of my blogs, which I will look at from a positive lense. Yet, I do like to change things up every now and again. So I am going to keep the randomness, but also when I do a series of related blogs I am going to post them in a row until I am done talking about the issue or idea. In the spirit of positivity and law of attraction, I am going to begin with the Love series. I will re-post part I and go from there.
Law of Attraction is Love and Love is Law of Attraction!
Until next time, Take care & KiS
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