Love III: Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

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How do we make things better in our lives? How do we go from tragedy to triumph? How do we turn that corner from surviving to thriving?

Want to know the Secret? Drum roll pleeeeeeease……………………..

Law of Attraction starting with Gratitude and LOVE!!!

Yep there you have it, the Law of Attraction and 
I know it works. I just have to get more consistent with overriding any negative feelings with sheer Gratitude and Love. It is Gratitude and Love that will allow you to make that turn from surviving to thriving, with all four wheels on the track.
Take a moment to think about all that we have to be grateful for:
Did you wake up today? If your reading this, you did and well there is one reason for you to be grateful.
What is it that allows you to oxygenate your blood and body to function. Oh yeah, that would be air. Another very simple reason to be grateful.
Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have blankets and clothes to keep you warm on cold days? I am guessing you have figured out where I am going here. We have so very much to be grateful for, but there are times that we just poo poo all the wonderful things in our lives because something out of our control happened to put a negative spin on things. Even though we can’t control things that happen around us, we can certainly choose how we are going to react or look at the situation. I choose to see the glass as always refillable as my dear friend Judy says. What a brilliant and positive statement to live by and I am adopting it for my life.
Along with that I am focusing on all that I have to be grateful for daily. It always begins with I am grateful for this day and every day thus far. Simply because I appreciate the fact that I can spend time with those I care about and help those that need my help. I also participate in a Daily Gratitude group on Facebook lead by my friend Tudor Alexander. It really helps me to stay on track with Gratitude. Another thing Tudor did was write a wonderful book called “The Gratitude Map.” It dictates, How to Navigate the Obstacles to Gratitude, Build a Daily Gratitude Practice and Create Abundant Relationships for Life. I highly recommend “The Gratitude Map” if you need help navigating the twists and turns of life with Gratitude.

From now on every day when I first wake up I am grateful for having another day with the ones I love. I am also grateful for the air I can breathe that oxygenates my blood and body. Oh, and with the weather getting colder I am really grateful for the blankets that kept me warm through the night. And how about the roof over my head, yep I love my house and life within it. Once I have illuminated my gratitude I move to how I see my day playing out. I then spend the next hour working through my morning routine incorporating more Gratitude and I start my day with happiness and love. Exercising Gratitude has brought me to a place of appreciation and allows me to love wholeheartedly.
Gratitude is only the beginning of implementing the law of attraction. Next, we need to ask for what it is that we want. We need to put it out to the universe, so it knows to come to us. Come to us it will and does. I have experienced it and totally believe the law of attraction is exactly why Ric and I met, fell in love and are living our lives together. If you know us, you know that we have been through more than our fair share of tragedy, yet we and our marriage remain intact.

You see a few months before I met Ric, I had gotten to the end of my rope with dating men that were just not a match for me. They seemed nice enough in the beginning, but as time went by I would see things in them that I did not care for. Maybe they saw the same in me, who knows. It just felt like I was on a Ferris wheel with no direction and just circling waiting for something miraculous to happen. I am not sure where I got the idea to do this, but I sat down and wrote over and over what I wanted in a partner in my life. Before I knew it, I filled up three 8.5 x 14 legal pad pages front and back. It got somewhat repetitive, but the things I mentioned more than once I really wanted in that person. It felt great to put on paper what I wanted. Through part of it I cried, because it made me happy to release and it is hard to explain but I felt I was heard. Finally, someone or something was listening. After doing this exercise I put the sheets of paper on the headboard of my bed and would check out the list now and again to make sure I didn’t miss anything. At the time I was job hunting also, so I had some time on my hands.

A few weeks later I landed a job. It was a pretty cool job, too. I was a paralegal for an electrical company and was responsible for contacting individuals or companies that were in arrears ninety days or more. If they refused to pay, I would proceed with a small claims case. On my first day I was introduced to the various departments and employees. One of those employees was Ric Sudberry. It was nice to meet him, and I did find him attractive, but he was not available. Married with two children and a family picture on his desk. 

It is amazing the things we don’t know. With that I am going to conclude this blog. My next blog will be the story of mine and Rics beginning as I remember it. I am sure he has his version, and if he so chooses I will be happy to post his version as well. He reads these blogs so he will let me know. Love you Babe!!!

Alright folks, Have a wonderful week and remember to Keep it Simple (KiS).


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Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

Everyone is capable of Super Powers!