Options: Insist on knowing them….

Click her for Audio When we received the diagnosis that I had breast cancer we were overwhelmed, flabbergasted and down right beside ourselves. To receive such a diagnosis is devastating and it sends you into a world of many unknowns. To say we were scared is an understatement. Not only were we terrified were very vulnerable and clueless. We were numb and for a bit sat in silence. My thoughts were split. On the one hand I was wondering What the F&#k!!!!!!! I wanted to scream, cuss or light something up. The other part of me felt utterly defeated. What more could I deal with? They say God doesn’t give you anymore than you can handle. Well, at that point, I felt like God had gotten me mixed up with someone else, because I was done. I had been through enough over the last couple of years and now this. For crying out loud enough was enough. We were so blown out of the water that we just went with what we were told in the beginning. I don’t recall being offered an advocate ...