Next Steps....

I have a meeting with the Marketing Team of Morgan James Publishing tomorrow morning bright and early at 7 am.... To know me is to know that I am not a morning person. 7 am is usually the time I am just rising, after that it takes me about two hours to complete my morning routine to getting my day started. So the fact that I am willing to schedule a meeting at 7 am should tell you that this is something I am determined to make happen. I do the same when necessary for Kaity's Way. Like the time I had to be at Superstition Springs High School by 8 am, which is forty five miles from me one way. This basically meant I had to be on the road around 6:45 am, which meant I needed to be up by 4:45 am, which did not happen. I got up at 5 am instead.... no yoga that day.

So I am very excited about this meeting because I know it is going to be another learning experience and so far my dealings with MJP has been nothing but encouraging and empowering. It is so wonderful being surrounded by such positive and helpful people. Aubry was who I met with first. She helped me understand some formatting issues as well as let me know what the Next Steps were. She was a huge help with the Authors questionaire. I had answered all the questions, but Aubry was able to pare things down and help me with some wording. Then there is Margo who is on the MJP Marketing team. Since being assigned my file, she has already helped with formatting, getting certain elements right, such as photos having the correct dpi. It was interesting to learn how to increase the dpi of a photo. Easy enough but not without a little research. Another really cool thing about MJP is everyone affiliated with them are so inspiring. All the authors are helping each other out. They all seem so willing to mentor new authors and rally behind them. It is a very healthy environment and I for one greatly appreciate it and everyone that is a part of it. It is very apparent that they believe our success is their success.

My next blog will be about my EMV meeting tomorrow... Stay tuned and Take Care in the meantime!


C is for Conquer is available for Pre-order

Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

Everyone is capable of Super Powers!