I hope this post finds you doing well and looking at a Great new year. Looking back, one of the best things about 2018 was getting on with this book journey. It has given me a much needed escape from some of the recent challenges I have had to face. I believe that was by design and will just leave it at that. 

Now to the juicy great news, 2019 started off quite positive for me personally and professionally with Kaity's Way and my book, "C is for Conquer." Personally, I feel like I have a grip on my schedule and the work life balance concept. It has only taken me forever to get here, live and learn right. I am spending more time with the ones I love and I love it! 

Professionally, I met with Superintendent-elect Hoffman yesterday. She is the top of the apex for education in Arizona. I found her to be very receptive and engaging. I sincerely believe she will work very hard to improve the very broken educational system in Arizona. She needs all the support she can get and keep in mind her success goes directly to the success of our children and future. So, we all need to rally behind her to help in anyway we can to encourage and empower Superintendent-elect Hoffman to achieving what is necessary to bring our children's education to the top. 

As for the book, on January 2, 2019 I submitted the final manuscript to Morgan James Publishing (MJP). I could not have done this without MJP and the encouragement from my family and friends, bless you all, I love you so much!!! 

I am sure you all know there is a cost to getting a book published and while I struggle with spending money (more about that in "C is for Conquer"), my dear husband and bestest friend Ric, did not hesitate once when I said I need x amount of dollars to do this and x amount to do that, which has added up indeed. I know it is going to pay off because of Ric's encouragement and willingness to invest in me and he also helped me be comfortable with investing in me. Our son RJ, basically stood with Ric, after doing a little research for me and told me, "Mom it is investing in yourself." Our daughters Yvonne, Virgina and Kelly (daughter of the heart and RJ's fiance) have had nothing but words of encouragement for me as well. 

How do you like the cover?!  
 I think it is pretty spectacular!

My friend Dione, really came through with the editing. Besides editing my book she works a full time job and has a family, which includes a 160# German Shepherd named Bear, who does not like people hugging 😁. He is quite a character and so lovable as long as you are not hugging anyone else but him. Dione and I worked side by side with the editing and I learned so much from her and could not be happier with the outcome. I also want to thank Aubrey Kincaid for proofreading the book. She did a wonderful job and if you need anything proof read, she is your girl. 

Janie, Susan, Heidi, Denise and Donna, who all played a distinctive role while on my journey have been feeding me with Girl Power and positive energy. It is hard to explain, but the encouragement from women is so very empowering and I just love all the support and sincerely hope they know I am always there for them to do the same. 

I also want to recognize Elin Stebbins-Waldal, Author of the award-winning book, Tornado Warning, a Memoir of Teen Dating Violence and its Effect on a Woman’s Life, for the well articulated and written Foreward. She was very honest with me early on in this book journey and for that I am grateful. Tudor Alexander: author, speaker, entrepreneur, Seven Transformations of Life creator; Carol E. Becker: CCht, Dementia Therapy Specialist, Master NLP Timeline® Trauma Therapist Practitioner and Edna Ness, Best selling author: Radical Recovery, Extraordinary Healing with Oxygen and Light after Chemo and Radiation for the outstanding endorsements. I asked quite a few people, not thinking about it being around the holidays, but you three made the time to read my manuscript draft and shared your thoughts with me and the world. 

Lastly, I want to open this blog up a bit. I know the original intent was to share my book journey, but over the holidays I really started thinking about this blog. I don't want it to be just about me, I want it to be about you as well. Yes, I will continue to write about my book journey, but I also want to address things you would like to discuss and know more about, whether it is about me or life in general. So, if you have a suggestion or question, let it rip, I am open to hearing from you and having the conversation with you. The only caveat to this is that I reserve the right to decline a discussion and if you cannot agree to disagree, please don't bother. This blog is meant to be an encouraging and empowering venue for people to feel comfortable and heard without judgment. 

I had actually told my self I will do a short but sweet blog today since it has been awhile. So, it is now long and still sweet. I have a lot to say and say it I will, eventually. 

Ta Ta my friends, until the next time. I hope to hear from you either on this blog or on social media. Take care, Be Safe and Always reach for the stars!


C is for Conquer is available for Pre-order

Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

Everyone is capable of Super Powers!