Why Post, When Post, and Photos...

For those of you that have subscribed to my blog you might be wondering why I initially send out my blog posts on Mondays at approximately 11:30 am or maybe not, but I'm gonna take a moment to explain my thought process. 

Well, I am hoping that Mondays being the days they can be and 11:30 being right before a typical lunch time that this blog will help to start you off to a good week and shows up just in time for something to read over lunch. If I am off the mark or if there is better reasoning for a better day and time by all means I would love to hear your suggestions. If there are any pro bloggers out there taking a look at my blog, won't you share a tiny bit of your success with me? I would, just sayin....

Kelly & Monique Besties
Okay so now that we got that out of the way let’s move on to the photos I promised you all a few blogs back. Yes, I got through the shoot and it was quite fun. I was a bit out of my comfort zone, but Kelly and Monique were very encouraging and empowering. The three of us trying to get a good photo of me was fun and sometimes I felt a bit goofy. I was a bit of challenge but the challenge was accepted…. Monique Lopez and Kelly Burns of Bombshell Beauties Salon did a great job given that I am probably one of the least photogenic people alive, but Kelly and Monique are the Dynamic Duo. I really appreciate you both and enjoyed spending the day with you. 

Here is some of Me.... 


C is for Conquer is available for Pre-order

Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

Everyone is capable of Super Powers!