Warmth of the Sun.....

Click here for Audio As long as I can remember I have always preferred being outside in the sun doing anything. The warmth of the rays shining on me, the smell of vegetation and dirt is comforting. If there is an opportunity to be outdoors I am all over it. I enjoy gardening and fiddling in the yard, hiking or walking, swimming, laying out and reading in the sun. I have been known to take my computer outside and work, just to be able to take in the fresh air. I am fair skinned, but while I will burn if I push it, I tend get a pretty good tan during the summer. When I was a child in Ajo, where the temperature got to 120 or better annually, I was always outside playing in the yard or arroyo. Never worrying about getting a sunburn and I do not recall my Nana putting sun screen on me before I went out to play. We are talking the late 1960’s, so I am not sure they knew about sunscreen then. If they did, we probably could not have afforded it, so I do not believe we used any ...