Journeys: Do we have a Choice....

When it comes to journeys it seems at times that we don't have a choice. Sometimes it feels like it is a matter of the lesser of two evils. In other cases, there are journeys we cannot wait to take part in. Currently, I am on a journey of my choosing and this excites me because I chose this journey. Chose being the operative word here. I know that in everything we have a choice, but in the last ten or so years I feel as if we have had some life choices thrust upon us, rather than us choosing them. For example, my cancer journey. Did I intend to get cancer? Who does? Quite the contrary, heck I was doing a lot to stay healthy. Trying to eat right and not after 6pm. I exercised when I got a chance and took Shotokan Karate classes. Yet, it still got me and that is one journey I would never have chosen. Still, because I was faced with having cancer I still had choices to make on various levels. I had to think about me, my family, resources, finances, household issues, etc. Sure, I could have thrown in the towel, and don't think I didn't think about doing that, but I didn't. 

Rather than dwell on why some journeys I have found myself on
were not of my choosing, I choose to look at them as wake up calls. Mostly, because I am a good person and have a good heart. I am far from perfect, but I no longer put much stock in perfection, which is highly overrated. I once was a perfectionist, but found it to be exhausting and ridiculous. Actually, I am quite embarrassed that I bought into the idea of perfection. Simply because perfection is basically about what others may think of you. Here is the really goofy part, everyone’s idea of perfection is different. It is based on their perception, experiences and such. Because everyone’s journey is different and specific to only them, how could I or anyone else truly know perfection from the eye of another.  Therefore, I have decided that the word perfect can be nothing more than  an expression in MY life. For example, when someone shows me something they are proud of or tells me a story of success, I may respond by saying perfect or perfecto. Meaning the same as excellent or wonderful. That is that for me when it comes to perfect. 

Now let’s go back to why we care or once cared what other people think. That is a pretty complex question in this complex world. It comes down to being comfortable with one’s self. It wasn’t until I felt better about myself that I no longer cared about what people thought of me. So why didn’t I feel good about myself? That is another very complex question. Among other things, it boils down to the environment you were subjected to from day one. People, in most cases, are not born to be bad or horrible people. They are a product of their environment. I had become a product of mine, but somewhere along the line I learned that the conditioning I had recevied as a child could be undone and redone properly. Over a period of 30 years that is what I have been doing and will share more details in a future blog. Until then, Take Care and have a wonderful week!

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Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

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