Warmth of the Sun.....

As long as I can remember I have always preferred being outside in the sun doing anything. The warmth of the rays shining on me, the smell of vegetation and dirt is comforting. If there is an opportunity to be outdoors I am all over it. I enjoy gardening and fiddling in the yard, hiking or walking, swimming, laying out and reading in the sun. I have been known to take my computer outside and work, just to be able to take in the fresh air.
I am fair skinned, but while I will burn if I push it, I
tend get a pretty good tan during the summer. When I was a child in Ajo, where
the temperature got to 120 or better annually, I was always outside playing in
the yard or arroyo. Never worrying about getting a sunburn and I do not recall
my Nana putting sun screen on me before I went out to play. We are
talking the
late 1960’s, so I am not sure they knew about sunscreen then. If they did, we
probably could not have afforded it, so I do not believe we used any sunscreen.
I only recall being sunburnt really bad one time when I was a kid. If I remember
correctly I got so sunburnt during a trip to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point), Mexico.
Living in Ajo, it was not more than a two-hour drive to get to the Sea of
Going to Rocky Point and Cholla Bay was something we did
often because it was close and didn’t cost a lot to do. Rocky Point and Cholla
Bay has changed so much over the years. It still has its cultural charm and
color, but where there used to be beach to camp on resorts and hotels have been
built. I remember when we were in the bay there was room to play, not anymore.
Homes and condos are built right down to the water. Nowadays it is more of a
party place and a quick getaway. I recently heard they are going to start
launching cruise ships out of Rocky Point. Amazing to see the changes over the
I am not opposed to partying every now and again, but when I
go on vacation I like to disconnect and rest. I want to lay in the sun, soak up
its rays and read to my little hearts content. I want peace and quiet. To hear just
what is naturally occurring, waves rolling up on the beach, birds
communicating, wind blowing or not. So while I may stop in Rocky Point for a
drink or two and say hello to some friends that live there now, I am going to
continue my travels forty-five minutes south to an area that has hardly been
touched. Some modest homes have been built for renting, but otherwise the beach
has no vendors, just really cool shells that are brought to shore by the waves.
When the tide is out there are puddles on the beach that entrap the sea life
until the tide comes back in.
When the sun goes down on the sea the view is
spectacular. A few of the houses have access to the flat rooftops to get a
better view of the area. If you walk south on the beach you will come to a
makeshift area to buy fresh fish. It is so simple and basic that I would
consider retiring there if I could stand to be away from my kids and grandkids.
I am not so sure I can do that, so I am going to have to settle for visiting
when I can or need to disconnect.
What do you do to disconnect? Do you have a favorite
vacation/holiday spot?
Do you prefer a restful vacation or would you rather
party til you drop?
Until next time Take care, have a great week and Peace!
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