
Showing posts from June, 2019

Competition: Healthy or Control

Me - Bears & Heidi - Packers Click here for audio Competition is something we just do sometimes. There is healthy competition and then there is unhealthy competition. Thinking about the unhealthy side of competition I’ve concluded that it has a whole lot to do with control and obsession. So, in this blog we will refer to unhealthy competition as control. Let’s break competition down by starting with the definition of the root word according to Google, compete : strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same . Well after reading that I now understand why I don’t much like to compete. It oozes of control, establishing superiority over others . According to this graphic, it didn’t start that way. Humans evolved it into establishing superiority over others. Honestly, I do not see a need to be competitive. I feel like when you start getting competitive you are on a slippery slope of comparing yo...

Forgiveness Part IV: Forgiving Yourself

Click here for Audio Forgiveness is a gateway to a stronger, healthier, more improved you! If you let it do what it can, it can be the end of self doubt and discontent. It opens the door to the beginning of loving yourself. Forgiving your self can and will open so many doors for you, personally and professionally. It is humbling, relieving and most of all rejuvenating. It is a new positive outlook for you to take in and enjoy. It will bring you to gratitude and a glass is always refillable attitude in life. Forgive your self for the mistakes or bad choices you've made. Not a single person can say they have never made a mistake or choice that turned out unfavorably for themselves or others. So, for anyone to hold any choice or mistake you made against you is nothing less than a hypocrite. Yep, I am calling all of us out. This basically is judging, and have you read my blog on Judgement ? Yeah, time and place for judgement is not within us or our control, it is within a...

Self Care: Part I - A must for everyone!

Click here for Audio “Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery, reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and happy life.” –Zach Galifianakis Think about it, if you are not feeling well or are often tired, how much do you really have to give to others. Isn’t it crazy how we will just trudge on through without a second thought for ourselves. So many of us will go to the end of the world for those we love and care about, but when it comes to doing for ourselves we struggle with the concept. Why o why o why do we do that? Is there some conditioning that has happened to us? Were we told it was selfish to put yourself first? Were we made to feel selfish for doing something for ourselves? Are we trying to fulfill the expectations of society? Is it because it makes us feel good to help others? Kind of like a cycle, you don’t feel well, so yo...

**Special Post** "C is for Conquer" Book Shower Invitation

A Special Invitation! Just for you to the "C is for Conquer" Book Shower....  Yes, we are throwing a shower for the arrival and release of "C is for Conquer."  We sincerely hope you can join us: July 6, 2019    4pm - 8pm   (pop in whenever you can) 3245 W. Altadena Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85029 (602) 551-6494

Beautifully Bald: Hair does not define me....

Where does the time go? 20's, 30's & 50 something....  Click here for Audio Hair is a many wonderous thing. We can do so much with it. We can style it in so many different ways; Color, braid, cut it, pull it up, leave it down. You can be very creative with it. It can be fun and whimsically, casual and cool, or professional to make an impression. Sometimes, depending on the cut you can go from one mode to the next with just a simple adjustment. Now a days, pretty much anything goes. People are just doing themselves, which I think is rather cool. It feels like it is the sign of the times. Either people are being less judgmental, or people are not caring what others think. I think it is a combination of the two. Which I find encouraging in both cases. It means we are moving in the right direction. Baby steps, right….                                      ...