Competition: Healthy or Control

Me - Bears & Heidi - Packers Click here for audio Competition is something we just do sometimes. There is healthy competition and then there is unhealthy competition. Thinking about the unhealthy side of competition I’ve concluded that it has a whole lot to do with control and obsession. So, in this blog we will refer to unhealthy competition as control. Let’s break competition down by starting with the definition of the root word according to Google, compete : strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same . Well after reading that I now understand why I don’t much like to compete. It oozes of control, establishing superiority over others . According to this graphic, it didn’t start that way. Humans evolved it into establishing superiority over others. Honestly, I do not see a need to be competitive. I feel like when you start getting competitive you are on a slippery slope of comparing yo...