Forgiveness Part IV: Forgiving Yourself

Forgiveness is a gateway to a stronger, healthier, more improved you!
If you let it do what it can, it can be the end of self doubt and discontent. It opens the door to the beginning of loving yourself. Forgiving your self can and will open so many doors for you, personally and professionally. It is humbling, relieving and most of all rejuvenating. It is a new positive outlook for you to take in and enjoy. It will bring you to gratitude and a glass is always refillable attitude in life.

Forgive your self for the mistakes or bad choices you've made. Not a single person can say they have never made a mistake or choice that turned out unfavorably for themselves or others. So, for anyone to hold any choice or mistake you made against you is nothing less than a hypocrite. Yep, I am calling all of us out. This basically is judging, and have you read my blog on Judgement? Yeah, time and place for judgement is not within us or our control, it is within a court room. At one time or another we have all held some sort of resentment towards another based on a choice or mistake and for that we need to forgive ourselves and them.

The choices that are made, which turn out be mistakes, are they intentional acts to hurt someone or something? I can only truly speak for myself, and NO, I do not do anything to intentionally hurt anyone or anything for any reason. I believe this to be true for those closest to me as well. I like to think that in most cases for most people, this is the case. There are some very hurt people out there, so in some cases a choice is made to hurt. We will delve into that further in a later blog.

Making a family pyramid
Let’s break this down to the basics. This is going to take a minute and possibly a couple of blog posts, so be patient with me. For example: You’re looking for a shoe, you have one, but the other is missing. Your ten-year-old child finds the shoe and attempts to toss it to you from across the room, but it gets caught on their finger ends up hitting the ceiling fan and flies over to the table and knocks over and breaks a vase made by one of your other children. Whoops!! So, now your kind of miffed because the vase had sentimental value and the other child’s feelings are hurt because they made the vase.

What happens next, I have seen in my world and society is a rush to dare I say it, judgement. In some cases, the s#*t hits the fan, pun not intended, but a little funny, lol… The ten-year-old probably doesn’t know what to think at the moment. Holy crap did that just happen?! Is what I think I would be thinking. The other child may cry or throw a fit and accuse the ten-year-old of doing it on purpose for one reason or another. The other child is just venting their emotions, but the ten-year-old feels bad. You on the other hand are not happy with what happened and in this scenario you scold the ten-year-old and insist they apologize and they must clean up the mess or maybe fix the vase and are given time out to think about what they did and/or spanked. Which by the way, I do not advocate for unecessary spanking, but it does happen.

Now let’s look at what really happened here. I am not talking about the obvious. Yes, a vase got broke and other child’s feelings hurt, but what reeeeeeally happened?

This blog post is getting very long, so I am going to leave this up to you…. If you would like the rest of this blog now, just make a comment letting me know and I am happy to add the rest of what I have written. If no one comments, I will put the rest for the next blog post. Have a wonderful week, Take care and Keep it simple!


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Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

Everyone is capable of Super Powers!