Breaking News "C is for Conquer" eBook Release Day!!!!!

Time to Celebrate the eBook Release of "C is for Conquer!"

As of July 9, 2019 "C is for Conquer" is now available to anyone via eBook at anyone of the online retailers below. 

For those of you that bought an advanced copy you can now put in your reviews on the following websites and I have supplied their links for ease of locating. The goal is to get 25 - 5 star reviews as soon as possible on Amazon, so the book stores can see just how wonderfully helpful "C is for Conquer" is. I have provided other sites as well that are taking reviews. In this case..... More is Better


Barnes & Noble -

Books-A-Million -

Powells -

Chapters Indigo -


C is for Conquer is available for Pre-order

Love Part VIIII: Self Love: Equality

No: Can be very uncomfortable for some

Everyone is capable of Super Powers!