Smile: Good for you and Others
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Crooked teeth smile, not... |
There is nothing more basic than a 😃 that can make your
Smiling was foreign to me until after I had braces in the early 2000’s. I
had incredibly crooked teeth when I was a kid. The issue was my teeth were too
big for my jaw. I got my mothers small jaw and fathers big teeth. They had to
pull two teeth to straighten my teeth. Thank goodness my wisdom teeth were
removed several years earlier. It was 2001 when my braces were removed and I
received a dose of confidence. I really liked how my teeth looked after the
braces came off and loved showing them off.
Not long after having my braces removed we took family a
family picture at Sears photo studio. The pictures came out very nice and I
remember when I gave my mother a picture she said, “there is something
different about you in this picture.” I said, “I’m smiling.” I was nearly forty
years old and for the first time I was smiling with my whole face and it felt
so good. I had to learn to not cover my mouth when I 😃. My sister Lorie was
hilarious when she first saw me after the braces were removed. She had come to
the house and we were just talking and she stopped cold and looked at me and while
laughing a bit said, “you have really big teeth.” She is one of those people
that when she opened her mouth whatever she was thinking came out. Not sure if
that was a dig or what but I didn’t care because I like my really big straight
teeth…. They fit me and that is all that matters.
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Say Cheeeeeeese and I did!!! |
Smiling can really change your mood and outlook. I wonder if
it is the muscles used, maybe they trigger something in our system that sends
good vibes to our brain. Smiling was a turning point for me and I wanted to
capitalize on it. There was a time when I was taking Psychology 101 that I used smiling for a project.
I really liked the instructor. She was so real and just put it out there. I really appreciate people like that. She gave us an assignment and
I cannot exactly remember the criteria, but it was meant to be an experiment.
So I decided I would 😃 at random people throughout several days and record
their reactions. A majority of the time people returned the 😃 , which in
turn made me feel good. I hope my 😃 did the same for them. Some looked at
me like I was crazy. As if, what the hell am I so smiley or happy about. A few just
looked away. As if, they didn’t see me or thought I was smiling at someone
else. Once upon a time I could relate to
the latter two, but no more. I 😃 because it feels good and in some cases
can help someone feel better.
I 😃 despite the impending wrinkles because I will gladly
earn them with joy in my heart. I once knew a girl who refused to 😃 because
she didn’t want to get wrinkles. She could not have been more than twenty-five
years old, and she always looked sad. Eyeore from Winnie the Poo comes to mind.
It was almost as if she was trying so hard not to 😃 that she was frowning.
Wow, I have not thought of her in so many years. I wonder if she really stuck
with it and if it really helped her not to get wrinkles. I personally will not
give wrinkles that much control over my disposition.
If you want to see things in a more positive light or simply
just feel better give it a try. Turn that frown upside down. Baby steps; try smiling just a few times a day.
The first one should be at yourself first thing in the morning. Heck you woke
up, you are alive, that is reason enough to 😃 . While you are smiling at yourself, tell yourself a couple of really cool things about you. Positive affirmations can really lift your mood and start your day off on a positive note. Next 😃 at someone you care
about. If they ask you what’s up, just tell them, “it makes me feel good to 😃 , I hope it does the same for you.” Then if you are feeling brave, 😃 at
a total stranger. Prepare yourself for anyone of the many responses you could
get and if it is not a 😃 back, don’t take it personal. It is not you, it
really is them. I hope this blog brightened your day. Are you smiling? I hope so....
Until next time 😃 & Keep it Simple (KiS)….
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